headstones and statues

Death and dying is always a good reminder for everyone. It has a way of putting things into perspective, reminding people that this, too, shall pass. And eventually, all of it will.

I went to Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland today to shoot the many statues and admire the pretentiousness of the dead. Perhaps it is lost on me–considering the length of time some have been residing there, but I am sure that even in the 1860’s these things were expensive. Was it a cultural thing or a status symbol to spend a lot of money on the final resting place? Did people believe back then that those who leave do in fact stay there? Why are these places so nice? I may never know.

There were many statues of angels, crosses, Jesus, and several other people from the Bible. There was also a man sitting on a bench, playing a guitar, and a young girl sitting on a bench, reading a book. Her name was Jean Louise. I wish we could have spoken. I have questions.

It’s crazy to me that people spent so much time and money wanting to be remembered. I don’t see much of this (statues and stones) constructed in today’s world. Either way–it led me to these thoughts.

People spent much time and money planning their burials and sites. I wonder if they spent as much to be remembered in the lives with whom they interacted before moving in there. What’s the point of being remembered only at a grave? If you have to spend a lot to seem important then were you? Do you only want to be remembered by strangers because of an elaborate headstone or mausoleum? Would you rather be remembered more in death than in life? Once all your people are gone, if you haven’t touched many other lives, your memory will die with them. And all that’s left are strangers taking pictures of the last place your body touched the ground.

These thoughts are lost on many. Society hasn’t changed. Most people are more concerned about their images, egos, and fake personas than they are about the state of their souls, the reasons they were put on earth, and how they could be much more fulfilled serving people other than themselves.

I was in awe with the layout of so many people’s plots. It was so peaceful. Maybe that’s what they were going for. Jean Louise was in front of a large pond. Those swans probably never knew her. Neither did those fish.

What did these people do before they got there? What am I doing? What are you doing?

Going to church and being involved in political nonsense won’t do it. Spending a lot of money on material things won’t do it. Being nice only to your people or people who kiss your ass won’t do it. No one cares if you go to church and act better than or above those not in your tiny circle. People will remember you and soon forget you for this. No one cares if you have nice things. People won’t remember you because of them. No one cares if you’re only nice to the few you know. How were you to those you didn’t? Those fake personas pass with the person, and all that’s left is the truth. I don’t know about you, but I prefer the truth. That’s why I have enemies.

I am confident in very little, but I am confident in this: when I go, I will be missed. I will be remembered fondly by people who knew me. People I hardly knew will speak kindly. Strangers will remember me for things I’ve done for them. I will never tell what I’ve done. You should never let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. (Matthew 6:3) There is much more work to be done, however.

You are supposed to “store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-20) I’m not sure if this is the sort of thing you seek out or if the opportunities just come, but I know if you pray for them, they will.

When I was in undergrad, I would pray every morning before I got out of my car to go to class. I would ask God to put someone in my path who needed help. Those were the fastest prayers ever answered. Every time I asked, God put someone in my path before I made it to class. But perhaps I was also looking for those things. It’s one of those which came first, the chicken or the egg questions that will go unanswered. Or it could be both. Maybe if I wasn’t genuine in that prayer and not looking for opportunities, I would not have found any. Or maybe they would not have been presented had I not been. I will never know. And it doesn’t matter. Either way, I need to get back to that place.

What are you doing? Who are you serving? What will you be remembered for? What do you want to be remembered for? Do these things align?

May God shed light on what’s dark within us, show us grace and mercy, forgive us of these things, and give us strength to change them. Amen.

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